Kitagawa Gas Detector Tube System Benefits
Whenever – No chemical reagents to prepare – ready for immediate use.
Wherever – Light weight and compact, Kitagawa’s system is easy to carry in the most difficult situations.
Whoever – The system is simple and straightforward to operate and no academic knowledge is required – all personnel can operate it with ease.
Speedy – An accurate reading can be obtained within a few minutes and many sample points can be tested in a very short period of time. This gives it a major advantage over the competitive bellow type pumps that are open to user error and take far longer in sampling time.
Safety – As no electricity or heat is required, tests can be taken without risk of explosion, even in the most flammable of atmospheres.
Low Cost – The pump and detector tubes offer a low cost solution to gas detection. There are no costly repair bills or spares (a simple leak test can be performed by any user). No expensive calibration is required. One pump can be used repeatedly to sample the vast spectrum of both popular and specialist gases and vapours.

The ORIGINAL Gas Detector Tube System
KOMYO first developed the pioneering KITAGAWA Gas Detection Tube System in 1947. With Komyo’s experience and state-of-the-art technology, the gas detector tube system has been continuously developed to ensure maximisation of accuracy, operation and safety in the field of gas detection and analysis.
The Kitagawa System is an accurate and cost effective spot gas detector sampling system, offering over 300 gas detector tubes, from Ammonia to Xylene. This System is renowned for its excellent features in the analysis of gas concentration and is widely used throughout the world across a vast array of industries and applications.
Global Certification & Approvals
The Kitagawa Gas Detector Tube sampling system is certified in accordance with the European Standard, EN 1231 (Workplace Atmospheres – Short Term Detector Tube Measurement Systems – Requirements and Test Methods), by the Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz (BIA), Germany.
The Kitagawa Gas Detector Tube System pump and tubes are additionally certified by the American Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) in accordance with strict American National Standards ANSI/ISEA 102-1990 (for Gas Detector Tube Unit – Short Term Type for Toxic Gases and Vapours in Working Environments). Quality control in the Komyo factory is also certified by SEI.
KOMYO RIKAGAKU KOKYO K.K. holds ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 accreditation and all products and services are supplied under this standard.

AP20 Sampling System
Sampling system for use with the Kitagawa detector tubes.Includes sampling pump with integral sample time indicator, precision volume sample locking mechanism, glass tube tip cutter and fragment container plus carrying case, 2 pcs of rubber tube connector, 1 pc of grease and an instruction booklet.

Detector Tubes
Detector tubes for the Kitagawa AP20 sampling system. Over 300 gas and vapour detection tubes are available for the sampling pump. Each box contains 10 detection tubes to enable 10 gas measurements (or 5 measurements for specialist applications with pretreat tubes).

Special Detectors & Accessories
A range of gas samplers and extras for specialist applications. From extension hoses for confined areas to sampling soil probes to compressed breathing air sampling to flue gas sampling, the Kitagawa extended range offers specialist solutions for your gas detection needs.
For the complete catalogue of products, download the current Kitagawa Gas Detector Tube System Brochure.