Applications of the GazCal Chlorine Gas Generator

- Water treatment
- Swimming pools
- Chemicals manufacture
- Test & calibration
- Laboratory
- Calibration of Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone and Fluorine equipment
To ensure that gas detection equipment is functioning correctly, the GazCal is used to provide reliable laboratory and on-site calibration and test gas for CL2 gas detectors. Its compact and rugged construction suits even the most aggressive of environments.
Utilised across many industries worldwide, it is particularly popular with water authorities and for water treatment. The unit needs no warm-up time and can be operated by non-technical personnel, providing instant test and calibration source.
Gas sensor manufacturers also often recommend that Chlorine gas is used for cross-calibration of Chlorine Dioxide, Phosgene, Hydrogen Fluoride, Ozone and Fluorine sensors. The cross-sensitivity is often similar to a 1:1 ratio so that Chlorine can be used as a surrogate. The GazCal offers Chlorine generation at low range for such cross-calibration. As all manufacturers’ sensors vary, please determine the sensor being used in the equipment and refer to the individual sensor’s technical datasheet for exact cross-sensitivity or contact the relevant sensor manufacturer for advice.