Longlife Polyurethane Flexible Clear Tubing

Product Code: 2112B10098

Quick Overview

Longlife quality Polyurethane flexible clear tubing hose, suitable for the flow of gases, including compressed calibration and test gas.

Also recommended for use with our GazCal Chlorine gas generator.

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Longlife quality Polyurethane flexible clear tubing hose, suitable for the flow of gases, including compressed calibration and test gas.

Also recommended for use with our GazCal Chlorine gas generator.

Provided in 1m lengths as standard. Longer lengths can be provided on request.

Part no: 2112B10098

Details: 1m length as standard, Outer diameter 6mm, Inner diameter 4mm, clear


This is a high quality, longlife polyurethane tubing suitable for flow of gases, compressed calibration and test gases, including high reactive and sticky gases like Chlorine. Polyurethane is a flexible hose material suitable for a range of temperatures from -40 to +60 degrees Celcius.

The tubing is offered in 1m lengths as standard and we can also quote for longer lengths where required. This tubing has 6mm outer diameter and 4mm inner diameter.

It is recommended for use with our GazCal Chlorine gas generator.